Easy Go-Live
in One Quarter
Sustainability Master is designed for fast, efficient, and guided adoption. Our fast-track setup brings your entire sustainability program operational within a quarter.
Ensuring Easy Adoption
Sustainability Master is purposefully designed for easy adoption, acknowledging the time constraints of your busy seamlessly integrating our platform without disrupting workflow.
We recognize that your team's bandwidth is limited, and that's why our Maistering team is fully committed to providing continuous support and guidance throughout the implementation process.
From setup to go-live, we provide a seamless experience, maximizing your team's resources. Our 100-day setup plan, including strategic workshops, empowers effective collaboration for clear direction and validation.

Detailed Guidance
To facilitate successful adoption, we provide powerful resources including templates, workshops, and training materials, to support your team's journey.
A robust governance structure ensures that strategic decisions are made at the right level, while effectively addressing any unforeseen execution challenges.
Together, through a collaborative partnership, we unleash the true potential of Sustainability Master, propelling your sustainability efforts to new heights.

Adoption FAQ
Who will be working with Sustainability Master?
Not just the sustainability team, but all those influencing your ESG performance, will be working with the solution.The subscription of the solution contains the specification of a maximal number of users, but even the standard subscription allows a large user base and gold and platinum have even less constraints. It is our philosophy that solutions on the Master Collections platform are open to the wider organization (everyone in your Microsoft ActiveDirectory) within the limits of the role-based access controls you choose.
Why would I start with Sustainability today already?
The ESG regulations are deployed as we speak and it is better to be ahead of the game than to act last minute, which will be costly and risky. Moreover, your commitment to ESG is not just driven by regulations, but for your improvements in the areas relevant for your business, “the sooner, the better” principle applies. A good ESG profile is good for your planet, for your people, for your business. Your ESG activities will not only become more effective but also more efficient. Automated is just more fun and less costly.
What effort does it cost me to adopt Sustainability Master?
You should differentiate your activities in two buckets: 1. the effort of changing your processes and behavior in the organization to adopt a sustainable way of working and 2. the effort to use Sustainability Master to set goals, execute, measure and report on your status and progress. For the first activity, Sustainability Master will only deliver you time savings compared with doing things the old manual way and things will go much faster. For the second activity you will eventually be much more efficient compared to the classical paper, PowerPoints and Excel way of working.
What does it take to implement Sustainability Master?
You start with our standard Sustainability Master Set-up program with an affordable fixed price and well-defined scope that takes care of everything: installation, configuration, connections, dashboards, templates, activation, support, advisory, training. Adopting Sustainability Master is much less effort than your current manual way of working with spreadsheets and PowerPoint. Adopting our solution follows the modern path: not “all or nothing”, but start with one team and one activity and then you expand organically.
How is our implementation easier than classical applications?
Classical systems such as your ERP or Financial System do require a lot of implementation effort and interference of a squad of consultants. These applications are set-up around a heavy workflow where users follow the “production belt”. Modern Apps are infinitively simpler and more user centric. The App functionality follows the user instead of the other way around. Though Sustainability Master is an enterprise-grade solution with sophisticated security arrangements, the functional set-up is that of a collaborative app - ease of use and adoption are key.
Must everyone work with Sustainability Master?
A classical ERP system only works properly if everyone uses it. If one worker stops the production belt, it stops for all. However, Sustainability Master is set up to work team by team, allowing an organic implementation. Per initiative you can decide whether to use Sustainability Master. Though it makes a lot of sense in the future to expand the scope and onboard more and more users. They will love the solution because it feels like the apps on their mobile. Even if users are outside the system, the solution will engage them through their mail and simple links they can click on to co-play.
Do I need IT specialists to run Sustainability Master?
No. During our Set-up program we align with your IT-manager about the docking to the Microsoft Active Directory (single sign-on for our solution and your Microsoft 365 world) and we arrange the connection to relevant source systems (think of Microsoft Dynamics or SAP or other enterprise applications). You will only communicate about business choices such as your ESG targets with Maistering and we will configure the connections, dashboards, and user profiles. As of then, everything is in the hands of users, not IT people.
Can I afford Sustainability Master?
Yes. While Sustainability is probably the most complete ESG solution on the market, it will be yours for a basic Set-up fee and an accessible monthly fee, which you will find in our transparent Pricing Sheet which you can download from this site. The monthly fee will cover the required functionalities and include all costs: the Microsoft Azure cloud is included in the bill, so are all other subscriptions to third-party data and content services included in the package, and the same is true for our advisory and support activities.
Schedule a Demo
Take a decisive step towards achieving your ESG goals, mitigating risks, and building a more sustainable future. Schedule a demo today!